About Us

Head shot of a blue merle Australian Shepherd

Parted Paths was started based on a poem that the website owner, Tammy Hayes, wrote in memory of two of her more recent dogs. Both were lost to cancer. One at only 15 months, the other just shy of his 9th birthday.

As I shared the poem with friends, they encouraged me to share it with others, so I created this website in memory of all of those beloved companions who have gone on ahead of us, as well as those who loved them.

This website hopes to provide some peace and comfort to those who have lost a beloved pet and provide them with quality items to lovingly display in their home. Ideas are welcome if you are searching for a different item. Please contact us if you have any suggestions or would like something in particular printed and we will do what we can to provide it.

 In loving memory of Hayes' Tucker, English Shepherd, and Cow Town Crazy Bet, aussome Australian Shepherd. I love you and miss you both so much.